Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A short film by my friend Vera and me is the short film of the week in RUV/Channel 1 in Iceland!

You can stream the film here, for this week only.
 It is in Icelandic, called Fuglar (Birds).
 It is a short visual poem made by me and my friend Vera Sölvadóttir, a great filmmaker. We wrote the text together, she shot the video with Bjarni Felix , another friend that is a great Director of Photography and I made the music.

Monday, November 18, 2013

An interview with me in french at the Holmi blog

An interview with me in french at the Holmi blog

"Le silence nocturne, les contours estompés des meubles dans la pièce obscure, le bruit lointain d’un véhicule, tout semblait si étrange quand elle se réveilla. Un calme profond rendait le monde extérieur insignifiant. Rien ne semblait avoir plus d’importance que cet état de quiétude à ce moment-là, moment aux limites diffuses qui se confondaient avec l’infini. Jara aurait pu être le premier disque de ce réveil. Petite interview de la jeune islandaise pour Holmi..."

Friday, November 1, 2013